Python uwsgi module stub

uwsgiconf comes with documented uwsgi module that you can import instead of import uwsgi.

# Instead of
import uwsgi

# you can do.
from uwsgiconf import uwsgi

That way uwsgi will be available runtime as usual, besides you will get autocompletion and hints in IDE, and won’t get ImportError when run without uwsgi.

This also will facilitate your testing a bit, for those simple cases when you won’t expect any result from uwsgi function.


This is a stub module, so it doesn’t really implement functions defined in it. Use it for documentation purposes.

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.is_stub = True

Indicates whether stub is used instead of real uwsgi module.

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.SPOOL_IGNORE = 0

Spooler function result.

Ignore this task, if multiple languages are loaded in the instance all of them will fight for managing the task. This return values allows you to skip a task in specific languages.

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.SPOOL_OK = -2

Spooler function result.

The task has been completed, the spool file will be removed.

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.SPOOL_RETRY = -1

Spooler function result.

Something is temporarily wrong, the task will be retried at the next spooler iteration.

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.SymbolsImporter = None

SymbolsImporter type.

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.SymbolsZipImporter = None

SymbolsZipImporter type.

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.ZipImporter = None

ZipImporter type.

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.applications = None

Applications dictionary mapping mountpoints to application callables.


Can be None.

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.buffer_size = 0

The current configured buffer size in bytes.

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.cores = 0

Detected number of processor cores.

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.env = {}

Request environment dictionary.

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.has_threads = False

Flag indicating whether thread support is enabled.

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.hostname = b''

Current host name.

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.magic_table = {}

Current mapping of configuration file “magic” variables.

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.numproc = 0

Number of workers (processes) currently running.

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.opt = {}

The current configuration options, including any custom placeholders.

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.post_fork_hook = <bound method of <class 'uwsgiconf.runtime.platform._PostForkHooks'>>

Function to be called after process fork (spawning a new worker/mule).

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.spooler = <bound method Spooler._process_message_raw of <class 'uwsgiconf.runtime.spooler.Spooler'>>

Function to be called for spooler messages processing.

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.sockets = []

Current list of file descriptors for registered sockets.

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.start_response = None

Callable spitting UWSGI response.

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.started_on = 0

uWSGI’s startup Unix timestamp.

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.unbit = False

Unbit internal flag.

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.version = b'0.0.0'

The uWSGI version string.

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.version_info = (0, 0, 0, 0, b'')

Five-elements version number tuple.

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.mule_msg_hook(message: bytes)

Registers a function to be called for each mule message.


Called to notify the master that the worker is accepting requests, this is required for touch_chain_reload to work.

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.add_cron(signal: int, minute: int, hour: int, day: int, month: int, weekday: int) → bool

Adds cron. The interface to the uWSGI signal cron facility. The syntax is


The last 5 arguments work similarly to a standard crontab, but instead of “*”, use -1, and instead of “/2”, “/3”, etc. use -2 and -3, etc.

  • signal – Signal to raise.
  • minute – Minute 0-59. Defaults to each.
  • hour – Hour 0-23. Defaults to each.
  • day – Day of the month number 1-31. Defaults to each.
  • month – Month number 1-12. Defaults to each.
  • weekday – Day of a the week number. Defaults to each. 0 - Sunday 1 - Monday 2 - Tuesday 3 - Wednesday 4 - Thursday 5 - Friday 6 - Saturday

ValueError – If unable to add cron rule.

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.add_file_monitor(signal: int, filename: str)

Maps a specific file/directory modification event to a signal.

  • signal – Signal to raise.
  • filename – File or a directory to watch for its modification.

ValueError – If unable to register monitor.

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.add_ms_timer(signal: int, period: int)

Add a millisecond resolution timer.

  • signal – Signal to raise.
  • period – The interval (milliseconds) at which to raise the signal.

ValueError – If unable to add timer.

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.add_rb_timer(signal: int, period: int, repeat: int = 0)

Add a red-black timer.

  • signal – Signal to raise.
  • period – The interval (seconds) at which the signal is raised.
  • repeat – How many times to send signal. Will stop after ther number is reached. Default: 0 - infinitely.

ValueError – If unable to add timer.

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.add_timer(signal: int, period: int)

Add timer.

  • signal – Signal to raise.
  • period – The interval (seconds) at which to raise the signal.

ValueError – If unable to add timer.

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.add_var(name: str, value: str) → bool

Registers custom request variable.

Can be used for better integration with the internal routing subsystem.

  • name
  • value

ValueError – If buffer size is not enough.

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.alarm(name: str, message: str)

Issues the given alarm with the given message.


to register an alarm use section.alarms.register_alarm(section.alarms.alarm_types.log('myalarm'))

  • name
  • message – Message to pass to alarm.
uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.async_connect(socket: str) → int

Issues socket connection. And returns a file descriptor or -1.

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.async_sleep(seconds: int) → bytes

Suspends handling the current request and passes control to the next async core.

Parameters:seconds – Sleep time, in seconds.
uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.cache_clear(cache: str)

Clears cache with the given name.

Parameters:cache – Cache name with optional address (if @-syntax is used).
uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.cache_dec(key: str, value: int = 1, expires: int = None, cache: str = None) → bool

Decrements the specified key value by the specified value.

  • key
  • value
  • expires – Expire timeout (seconds).
  • cache – Cache name with optional address (if @-syntax is used).
uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.cache_del(key: str, cache: str = None) → bool

Deletes the given cached key from the cache.

  • key – The cache key to delete.
  • cache – Cache name with optional address (if @-syntax is used).
uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.cache_div(key: str, value: int = 2, expires: int = None, cache: str = None) → bool

Divides the specified key value by the specified value.

  • key
  • value
  • expires – Expire timeout (seconds).
  • cache – Cache name with optional address (if @-syntax is used).
uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.cache_exists(key: str, cache: str = None) → bool

Checks whether there is a value in the cache associated with the given key.

  • key – The cache key to check.
  • cache – Cache name with optional address (if @-syntax is used).
uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.cache_get(key: str, cache: str = None) → Optional[bytes]

Gets a value from the cache.

  • key – The cache key to get value for.
  • cache – Cache name with optional address (if @-syntax is used).
uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.cache_inc(key: str, value: int = 1, expires: int = None, cache: str = None) → bool

Increments the specified key value by the specified value.

  • key
  • value
  • expires – Expire timeout (seconds).
  • cache – Cache name with optional address (if @-syntax is used).
uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.cache_keys(cache: str = None) → List[T]

Returns a list of keys available in cache.

Parameters:cache (str) – Cache name with optional address (if @-syntax is used).
Raises:ValueError – If cache is unavailable.
uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.cache_mul(key: str, value: int = 2, expires: int = None, cache: str = None) → bool

Multiplies the specified key value by the specified value.

  • key
  • value
  • expires – Expire timeout (seconds).
  • cache – Cache name with optional address (if @-syntax is used).
uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.cache_num(key: str, cache: str = None) → Optional[int]

Gets the 64bit number from the specified item.

  • key – The cache key to get value for.
  • cache – Cache name with optional address (if @-syntax is used).
uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.cache_set(key: str, value: str, expires: int = None, cache: str = None) → bool

Sets the specified key value.

  • key
  • value
  • expires – Expire timeout (seconds).
  • cache – Cache name with optional address (if @-syntax is used).
uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.cache_update(key: str, value: str, expires: int = None, cache: str = None) → bool

Updates the specified key value.

  • key
  • value
  • expires – Expire timeout (seconds).
  • cache – Cache name with optional address (if @-syntax is used). bytes, *args) → bytes

Performs an [RPC] function call with the given arguments.

  • func_name – Function name to call with optional address (if @-syntax is used).
  • args
uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.chunked_read(timeout: int) → bytes

Reads chunked input.

Parameters:timeout – Wait timeout (seconds).
Raises:IOError – If unable to receive chunked part.
uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.chunked_read_nb() → bytes

Reads chunked input without blocking.

Raises:IOError – If unable to receive chunked part. → int

Returns current post content length.

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.close(fd: int)

Closes the given file descriptor.

Parameters:fd – File descriptor.
uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.connect(socket: str, timeout: int = 0) → int

Connects to the socket.

  • socket – Socket name.
  • timeout – Timeout (seconds).
uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.connection_fd() → int

Returns current request file descriptor.


Drops current connection.

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.embedded_data(symbol_name: str) → bytes

Reads a symbol from the uWSGI binary image.

Parameters:symbol_name – The symbol name to extract.
Raises:ValueError – If symbol is unavailable.
uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.extract(fname: str) → bytes

Extracts file contents.

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.farm_get_msg() → Optional[bytes]

Reads a mule farm message.

Raises:ValueError – If not in a mule
uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.farm_msg(farm: str, message: Union[str, bytes])

Sends a message to the given farm.

  • farm – Farm name to send message to.
  • message
uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.get_logvar(name: str) → bytes

Return user-defined log variable contents.

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.green_schedule() → bool

Switches to another green thread.


Alias for suspend.

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.i_am_the_spooler() → bool

Returns flag indicating whether you are the Spooler.

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.in_farm(name: str) → Optional[bool]

Returns flag indicating whether you (mule) belong to the given farm. Returns None is not in a mule.

Parameters:name – Farm name.
uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.is_a_reload() → bool

Returns flag indicating whether reloading mechanics is used.

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.is_connected(fd: int) → bool

Checks the given file descriptor.

Parameters:fd – File descriptor
uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.is_locked(lock_num: int = 0) → bool

Checks for the given lock.


Lock 0 is always available.

Parameters:lock_num – Lock number.
Raises:ValueError – For Spooler or invalid lock number
uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.listen_queue(socket_num: int = 0) → int

Returns listen queue (backlog size) of the given socket.

Parameters:socket_num – Socket number.
Raises:ValueError – If socket is not found
uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.lock(lock_num: int = 0)

Sets the given lock.


Lock 0 is always available.

Parameters:lock_num – Lock number.
Raises:ValueError – For Spooler or invalid lock number
uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.log(message: str) → bool

Logs a message.


Instructs uWSGI to log current request data.

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.logsize() → int

Returns current log size.

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.loop() → Optional[str]

Returns current event loop name or None if loop is not set.

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.masterpid() → int

Return the process identifier (PID) of the uWSGI master process.

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.mem() → Tuple[int, int]

Returns memory usage tuple of ints: (rss, vsz).

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.metric_dec(key: str, value: int = 1) → bool

Decrements the specified metric key value by the specified value.

  • key
  • value
uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.metric_div(key: str, value: int = 1) → bool

Divides the specified metric key value by the specified value.

  • key
  • value
uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.metric_get(key: str) → int

Returns metric value by key.

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.metric_inc(key: str, value: int = 1) → bool

Increments the specified metric key value by the specified value.

  • key
  • value
uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.metric_mul(key: str, value: int = 1) → bool

Multiplies the specified metric key value by the specified value.

  • key
  • value
uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.metric_set(key: str, value: int) → bool

Sets metric value.

  • key
  • value
uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.metric_set_max(key: str, value: int) → bool

Sets metric value if it is greater that the current one.

  • key
  • value
uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.metric_set_min(key: str, value: int) → bool

Sets metric value if it is less that the current one.

  • key
  • value
uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.micros() → int

Returns uWSGI clock microseconds.

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.mule_get_msg(signals: bool = None, farms: bool = None, buffer_size: int = 65536, timeout: int = -1) → bytes

Block until a mule message is received and return it.

This can be called from multiple threads in the same programmed mule.

  • signals – Whether to manage signals.
  • farms – Whether to manage farms.
  • buffer_size
  • timeout – Seconds.

ValueError – If not in a mule.

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.mule_id() → int

Returns current mule ID. 0 if not a mule (e.g. worker).

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.mule_msg(message: Union[str, bytes], mule_farm: Union[str, int] = None) → bool

Sends a message to a mule(s)/farm.

  • message
  • mule_farm – Mule ID, or farm name.

ValueError – If no mules, or mule ID or farm name is not recognized.

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.offload(filename: str) → bytes

Offloads a file.


Currently not implemented.

Raises:ValueError – If unable to offload.
uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.parsefile(fpath: str)

Parses the given file.

Currently implemented only Spooler file parsing.

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.ready() → bool

Returns flag indicating whether we are ready to handle requests.

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.ready_fd() → bool

Returns flag indicating whether file description related to request is ready.

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.recv(fd: int, maxsize: int = 4096) → bytes

Reads data from the given file descriptor.

  • fd
  • maxsize – Chunk size (bytes).
uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.register_rpc(name: str, func: Callable) → bool

Registers RPC function.

  • name
  • func

ValueError – If unable to register function

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.register_signal(number: int, target: str, func: Callable)

Registers a signal handler.

  • number – Signal number.
  • target
    • workers - run the signal handler on all the workers
    • workerN - run the signal handler only on worker N
    • worker/worker0 - run the signal handler on the first available worker
    • active-workers - run the signal handlers on all the active [non-cheaped] workers
    • mules - run the signal handler on all of the mules
    • muleN - run the signal handler on mule N
    • mule/mule0 - run the signal handler on the first available mule
    • spooler - run the signal on the first available spooler
    • farmN/farm_XXX - run the signal handler in the mule farm N or named XXX
  • func

ValueError – If unable to register

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.reload() → bool

Gracefully reloads uWSGI.

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.request_id() → int

Returns current request number (handled by worker on core).

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.route(name: str, args_str: str) → int

Registers a named route for internal routing subsystem.

  • name – Route name
  • args_str – Comma-separated arguments string.
uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.rpc(address: Optional[bytes], func_name: bytes, *args) → bytes

Performs an RPC function call with the given arguments.

  • address
  • func_name – Function name to call.
  • args

ValueError – If unable to call RPC function.

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.rpc_list() → Tuple[bytes, ...]

Returns registered RPC functions names.

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.send(fd_or_data: Union[int, bytes], data: bytes = None) → bool

Puts data into file descriptor.

  • One argument. Data to write into request file descriptor.
  • Two arguments. 1. File descriptor; 2. Data to write.
  • fd_or_data
  • data
uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.sendfile(fd_or_name: Union[int, str], chunk_size: int = 0, start_pos: int = 0, filesize: int = 0) → Optional[bool]

Runs a sendfile.

  • fd_or_name – File path or descriptor number.
  • chunk_size – Not used.
  • start_pos
  • filesize – Filesize. If 0 will be determined automatically.
uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.send_to_spooler(message: Dict[bytes, bytes] = None, **kwargs)

Send data to the The uWSGI Spooler. Also known as spool().


Either message argument should contain a dictionary this message dictionary will be constructed from kwargs.

  • message – The message to spool. Keys and values are bytes.
  • kwargs

    Possible kwargs (these are also reserved message argument dictionary keys):

    • spooler: The spooler (id or directory) to use.
      Specify the ABSOLUTE path of the spooler that has to manage this task
    • priority: Number. The priority of the message. Larger - less important.


      This works only if you enable order_tasks option in spooler.set_basic_params().

      This will be the subdirectory in the spooler directory in which the task will be placed, you can use that trick to give a good-enough prioritization to tasks.


      This is for systems with few resources. For better approach use multiple spoolers.

    • at: Unix time at which the task must be executed.
      The task will not be run until the ‘at’ time is passed.
    • body: A binary body to add to the message,
      in addition to the message dictionary itself. Use this key for objects bigger than 64k, the blob will be appended to the serialized uwsgi packet and passed back t o the spooler function as the ‘body’ argument.
uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.set_logvar(name: str, value: str)

Sets log variable.

  • name
  • value
uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.set_spooler_frequency(seconds: int) → bool

Sets how often the spooler runs.

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.set_user_harakiri(timeout: int = 0)

Sets user level harakiri.

Parameters:timeout – Seconds. 0 disable timer.
uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.set_warning_message(message: str) → bool

Sets a warning. This will be reported by pingers.

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.setprocname(name: str)

Sets current process name.

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.signal(num: int, remote: str = '')

Sends the signal to master or remote.

  • num – Signal number.
  • remote – Remote address.
  • ValueError – If remote rejected the signal.
  • IOError – If unable to deliver to remote.
uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.signal_received() → int

Get the number of the last signal received.

Used in conjunction with signal_wait.

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.signal_registered(num: int) → Optional[int]

Verifies the given signal has been registered.

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.signal_wait(num: int = None) → str

Waits for the given of any signal.

Block the process/thread/async core until a signal is received. Use signal_received to get the number of the signal received. If a registered handler handles a signal, signal_wait will be interrupted and the actual handler will handle the signal.

Parameters:num (int) –
Raises:SystemError – If something went wrong.
uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.spool(message: Dict[bytes, bytes] = None, **kwargs)

Send data to the The uWSGI Spooler. Also known as spool().


Either message argument should contain a dictionary this message dictionary will be constructed from kwargs.

  • message – The message to spool. Keys and values are bytes.
  • kwargs

    Possible kwargs (these are also reserved message argument dictionary keys):

    • spooler: The spooler (id or directory) to use.
      Specify the ABSOLUTE path of the spooler that has to manage this task
    • priority: Number. The priority of the message. Larger - less important.


      This works only if you enable order_tasks option in spooler.set_basic_params().

      This will be the subdirectory in the spooler directory in which the task will be placed, you can use that trick to give a good-enough prioritization to tasks.


      This is for systems with few resources. For better approach use multiple spoolers.

    • at: Unix time at which the task must be executed.
      The task will not be run until the ‘at’ time is passed.
    • body: A binary body to add to the message,
      in addition to the message dictionary itself. Use this key for objects bigger than 64k, the blob will be appended to the serialized uwsgi packet and passed back t o the spooler function as the ‘body’ argument.
uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.spooler_get_task(path: str) → Optional[dict]

Returns a spooler task information.

Parameters:path – The relative or absolute path to the task to read.
uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.spooler_jobs() → List[str]

Returns a list of spooler jobs (filenames in spooler directory).

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.spooler_pid() → int

Returns first spooler process ID

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.spooler_pids() → List[int]

Returns a list of all spooler processes IDs.

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.stop() → Optional[bool]

Stops uWSGI.

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.suspend() → bool

Suspends handling of current coroutine/green thread and passes control to the next async core.

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.total_requests() → int

Returns the total number of requests managed so far by the pool of uWSGI workers.

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.unlock(lock_num: int = 0)

Unlocks the given lock.


Lock 0 is always available.

Parameters:lock_num – Lock number.
Raises:ValueError – For Spooler or invalid lock number
uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.wait_fd_read(fd: int, timeout: int = None) → bytes

Suspends handling of the current request until there is something to be read on file descriptor.

May be called several times before yielding/suspending to add more file descriptors to the set to be watched.

  • fd – File descriptor number.
  • timeout – Timeout. Default: infinite.

OSError – If unable to read.

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.wait_fd_write(fd: int, timeout: int = None) → bytes

Suspends handling of the current request until there is nothing more to be written on file descriptor.

May be called several times to add more file descriptors to the set to be watched.

  • fd – File descriptor number.
  • timeout – Timeout. Default: infinite.

OSError – If unable to read.

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.websocket_handshake(security_key: str = None, origin: str = None, proto: str = None)

Waits for websocket handshake.

  • security_key – Websocket security key to use.
  • origin – Override Sec-WebSocket-Origin.
  • proto – Override Sec-WebSocket-Protocol.

IOError – If unable to complete handshake.

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.websocket_recv(request_context=None) → bytes

Receives data from websocket.

Raises:IOError – If unable to receive a message.
uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.websocket_recv_nb(request_context=None) → bytes

Receives data from websocket (non-blocking variant).

Raises:IOError – If unable to receive a message.
uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.websocket_send(message: str, request_context=None)

Sends a message to websocket.

  • message – data to send
  • request_context


    uWSGI 2.1+


IOError – If unable to send a message.

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.websocket_send_binary(message: str, request_context=None)

Sends binary message to websocket.

  • message – data to send
  • request_context


    uWSGI 2.1+


IOError – If unable to send a message.

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.worker_id() → int

Returns current worker ID. 0 if not a worker (e.g. mule).

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.workers() → Tuple[dict, ...]

Gets statistics for all the workers for the current server.

Returns tuple of dicts.

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.i_am_the_lord(legion_name: str) → bool

Returns flag indicating whether you are the lord of the given legion.

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.lord_scroll(legion_name: str) → bool

Returns a Lord scroll for the Legion.

uwsgiconf.uwsgi_stub.scrolls(legion_name: str) → List[str]

Returns a list of Legion scrolls defined on cluster.
