How to get through

There are some many options, how to start?

Start with a preset configuration. For example, if you have a Python web-app try out uwsgiconf.presets.nice.PythonSection. Basic things to do are: define wsgi_module and do .networking.register_socket.

This should already give a more or less decent decent configuration.

After that you can skim through option groups (such as .networking, .main_process, .workers etc.) and deep into uWSGI abilities.

Use from virtualenv

I have a virtualenv in venv/ directory (where I have uWSGI and uwsgiconf) and configuration module outside of it, how do I run it?

You can try the following trick (from directory containing venv/ and uwsgicfg.py):

$ venv/bin/uwsgiconf run

Unknown config directive

I use PythonSection for configuration and get [strict-mode] unknown config directive: wsgi-file on start. What’s that?

uwsgiconf enables configuration options check (aka strict-mode) by default.

If uWSGI plugin which provides some options is not available, you’ll get the message. That’s because PythonSection by default won’t instruct uWSGI to load Python plugin (since if you get uWSGI from PyPI you already have Python and a bunch of other plugins embedded, so there’s no need to load them).

If you get that message most probably uWSGI is provided by your OS distribution (e.g. on Debian you’ll need to install plugin packages separately from uWSGI itself).

In that case you can try to set embedded_plugins=False for PythonSection (see Quickstart example).

Another option is to quickly fire up uWSGI to check what plugins are embedded (the same can be achieved with $ uwsgiconf probe-plugins command).

uwsgiconf can also do it for you automatically on configuration stage:


Using the above, embedded_plugins will be inhabited by plugins actually available in uWSGI.